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Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon-Fat loss menu

"If you stand in addition to the position of ongoing, you have spinal alignment and you can breathe a lung capacity." health.revieweds

This is a firsthand tried in class with Ditka Neumann and Sabina.
Sample menu with Customized fat loss info by Kyle Leon
7:00 to 8:30 - Breakfast - first drink 250 ml of water with the juice of a lemon
• Cereal base, a piece of fruit or vegetables, sour milk product and unsweetened fruit or herbal tea (300 ml), or black tea with a little milk.
9:00 to 10:30 - Snack - during the morning drink a fresh fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water 1:1 (600 ml)
• Cereal products, margarine, vegetable piece, or carrot-apple salad, a handful of nuts or sour product and fresh fruit
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Lunch - to drink still water with lemon or unsweetened tea (300 ml)
• Vegetable salad with meat, fish or cheese or hearty vegetable soup, also can be lean meat or fish with Annex and with vegetables or salad
2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Snack - fresh fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water 1:1 (600 ml) or still water with lemon juice (600 ml)
• Same as morning snack: sour product, less sweet fresh fruit, etc.
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Dinner - ginger, mint or lemon balm tea (300 ml)
• lean meat, fish or meat substitute (tempt, maroon, tofu) with side dish (rice, potatoes, pasta, couscous) and with vegetables or salad can be a vegetable salad with lean meat, cheese and dressing of quality vegetable oils, or soup and whole wheat bread (1 piece) with Customized fat loss product by Kyle Leon

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