Truth about Cellulite by Joey Atlas -Today work with a more natural, less traumatic and therefore we have made technical innovations adding to this original drainage maneuvers, pre-and post-lipolysis manual action,
Which increases very significantly the evacuation of cellular debris, toxins and accumulated liquids consequence since us not only an increase in speed of the result but also significantly reduces cellulite and other lipid dystrophies that often accompanies these patients;see evidence here
The process is completely manual, bit painful, very effective and each session lasts about an hour, in the case of the lower limb.
Indications Manual -Edge figure
Reduced surface adipose tissue (adipose tissue)
Redefining body shape
Cellulite reduction plates
Significant enhancement of skin appearance on the areas worked
Improving local microcirculation
Significant increase in venous and lymphatic drainage of the treated
Improved local defenses
Gives a feeling of fresh legs and light
Improved self-esteem
In the following photographs (corresponding to a 27 years) you can see the result after 18 sessions manually - Edge figure.
It has achieved a volume reduction (two pant sizes smaller) and a very noticeable improvement in the appearance of the skin and adipose tissue modeling so you can see a more homogeneous surface regularly and and after the sessions see evidence here
41 year old woman with cellulite 2nd / 3rd and fat deposits in the trochanteric area (riding breeches), further to the right you can see the result after 23 treatment sessions.
Anyway it would be wrong if we consider cellulite syndrome as a metabolic and inflammatory disorder or just a cosmetic problem. To know in depth is understand what the origin of it and what is its solution.For more info go to, Truth about Cellulite by Joey Atlas."
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