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Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Muscle imbalance causes of thoracic spine

When contacting him also know that we’ll see and hear any evidence, both positive and negative consult with your pediatrician.

Faulty posture - According to professional statistics with 50% of children poor posture the term posture we mean mainly the shape and curvature of the spine, muscle condition, but this includes the activity of neuromuscular activity get an effctive solution here

Faulty posture caused by muscle misbalance between the muscles, which are the front and rear of the body. In a pair of muscles is always a tendency for muscle hardening, it is called postural muscles and the other muscles prone to sagging - physical muscles.

Depending on which muscle is dominant, there is a variety of malfunctions in various sections of the spine.
Variants posture

•    Posture with ideal physiological curves - Posture, where curves are emphasized: cervical and lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis
•    Posture where all these curves reduced
•    Posture with greater thoracic kyphosis get an effctive solution here

Muscle imbalance causes of thoracic spine (noticeably rounded back) - is the result of muscle imbalance between decreasing length pectoral muscles flagging of lumbar spine (lumbar noticeable deflection) - is due to the shortening of the lumbar erector and flabby abdominal muscles and leads to the fact that the lumbar spine does not develop properly imbalance in the pelvis (buttocks planted) - the hip joint has an imbalance between the reduced muscle and big flabby buttocks muscle.

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